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Dear community, السلام عليكم

We have held several meetings to tackle the complaints we received with regard to the laundry facilities. Thus, we would like to inform you of the final agreement we reached:

-A night shift, from 7PM to 11PM, is now introduced to our laundry services to ensure that you will receive your cleaned clothes within a maximum of 24 hours. We believe this change will significantly reduce waiting times and provide greater convenience for you.

-Please note that the night shift is a way of expediting the delivery of your laundered items but not receiving more clothes. That is, kindly refrain from dropping off or retrieving your clothes outside the laundry’s usual working hours.

-Following a conversation with the laundry staff, we highly recommend you bring your laundry in closed containers instead of open bags. This precautionary measure aims to safeguard your belongings and minimize the risk of misplacement or loss.

If you face further issues with laundering facilities, please do not hesitate to reach out to us.


2 Replies to “Laundry Services Adjustments”

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